Friday, March 29, 2024

Dearest Lepidopterist by Kelly Moyer

I am a butterfly,
free as a chihuahua
in a low-budget kennel,
light as your lead foot
in an I-40 passing lane,
fertile as a mule, napping
in the ol’ banana tree
and every bit as mortal
as my childhood kitten’s
restless, dare I say,
vindictive spirit.
So, you just might want
to put up that net,
my friend, because I
think you’ve mistaken
who’s holding the pins.


Kelly Moyer is an award-winning poet and fiber artist, who pursues her muse through the cobbled streets of New Orleans’s French Quarter. When not writing or weaving, she is likely to be found wandering the mountains of North Carolina, where she resides with her partner and two philosopher kittens, Simone and Jean-Paul. Hushpuppy, her collection of short-form poetry, was recently released by Nun Prophet Press.