Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Soft Tongue by Merritt Waldon

Sweet muse of this explosive heart
Call to you this morning
Out of the madness the river
Sings peculiar songs to this flesh
Hungry for one more kiss one more

One more laugh during soft tongues

In the background I hear your voice
“That isn’t home” & I smile knowing
That you will once again

Be where I am


Merritt Waldon b 1974. Madison, Indiana. Has been published in numerous publications nationally and internationally. He has 5 books of poetry. His first: Oracles From A Strange Fire by Merritt Waldon and Ron Whitehead. (Cajun Mutt Press, 2020). He lives in Austin, Indiana.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Flannel Channel by Dan Raphael

I wear flannel, wool flannel
sometimes over a long-sleeved tie dye
I live in a mythical pocket of the northwest
everything but my shoes could be from 50 years ago
my car runs on gas, my house runs on dammed river

when I’m gone my house will be replaced by a 4-plex
the school across the street will be even more confused
the mile away freeway will have so many complaints
drivers will close their eyes and have their cars on autonomous
so they don’t have to see what they’re driving through

it won’t be an earthquake or rising tides that kill my town
but everyone moving here to escape heat, drought and AI land barons
Mt. Hood will still be visible, occasionally venting steam
as the seismic plates are already in motion
seismic plates of capitalism, of political and climate migration
of global war over resources and humanity’s unevolved need
for a pecking order, while Gaia’s immune system
intensifies with unprecedented weather, famine and viruses

someone else might be wearing my wool shirts
no one will be reading this


Dan Raphael’s last two books are In the Wordshed (Last Word Press, ’22) and Moving with Every (Flowstone Press, ’20.) More recent poems appear in Umbrella Factory, Concision, Brief Wilderness, Packingtown and Unlikely Stories. Most Wednesdays Dan writes and records a current events poem for The KBOO Evening News.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Sip ‘n Sin by John Patrick Robbins

Sometimes the knowledge of knowing one last binge can end it all brings a warmth to my heart.
For in my passing I will at last be free.

To be whispered upon the winds and embraced in a lone saltwater tear that gently embraces a dingy unswept floor.

The ice will slowly melt, the booze fiery embrace will be that parting kiss.

Departure is bittersweet to the beloved, never the strangers of forgotten sunsets and past ill-fated romances.
Don't regret the choice as I mask my truths with the last pour.

JPR is a Southern Gothic writer. His work has appeared here at Disturb The Universe, Fixator Press, Lothlorien Journal Of Poetry, The Dope Fiend Daily, Horror Sleaze Trash, The San Pedro River Review, Spillwords Press, and Svartedauden Zine.

His work is always dark and unfiltered.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Mother Shunned by Paulette Hampton

She is electric like a midsummer’s storm
Blustery and loud, flashing her bright anger
Covering the earth in her gray shroud
And weeping the tears of a mother shunned.


Paulette Hampton holds a Masters in Reading Education. She has self-published two books and has had her poetry accepted by several online magazines.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Break by Richard LeDue

The fifth cup of coffee
is more to spite yourself
(for making it to 3 PM
without murdering anyone)
than for the caffeine
or other health benefits
proving the internet exists,
and the sugar packets
you abided by in your youth
flout wrinkles and grey hair now,
while unused creamers
make no parable of it all,
as darkness drains from your mug
down to wherever everything goes
you've had to swallow.


Richard LeDue (he/him) lives in Norway House, Manitoba, Canada. He has been published both online and in print. He is the author of ten books of poetry. His latest book, “Sometimes, It Isn't Much,” was released by Alien Buddha Press in February 2024.