Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Star Gaze by Ruby Mohan

Wearing your mistakes
As the hurricane dresses
Or a tornado
Dark circles under blue eyes are smoky.
The lipstick is a tad too red.

Dress swirls gauzy
Whipping about curves
Fastening to nubs
Revealing far too much
Of the goddess at war

I imagine you striding to your closet.
Rummaging through clothes
Tossing them on an unmade bed and carpeted floor
Till you smile with smug satisfaction
At last, the dress to kill with.
When inhibitions won’t.

I can read it in your eyes.
You know how irresistible you look.
Stilettos stab the white marble with a purpose
In the empyrean where your gaze flies
Unbuttoned guitars fire phoenix skies.

Light colors should not be worn in the evenings.
You break every fashion rule made.
Edging in between the lines, you’re iconic scorn.

To love this wild,
How can he survive?
Where will you strike first?
Oh, my eyes! My burning eyes stargaze.

Ruby Mohan is an American writer, humorist and poet of Asian Indian ancestry. Her cosmopolitan literary works are informed by transcendentalism, science, logic, and ethics. Her award-winning poems, admired for their feminism, are published in literary journals worldwide. She straddles two continents with homes in Chandigarh (India) & Texas (USA). Twitter: @RubyMohans | Instagram: rubymohans | Facebook: Author Ruby Mohan